Glass Beach

Last day I  saw  a beach on the newspapers.Its name is glass beach and it is in California. People in California was using this beach like a rubbish. It had become like a rubbish heap  and their goverment had decided to prevent people to use   there. .The California State Water Resources Control Board and city leaders closed the area in 1967.Various cleanup programs were undertaken through the years to correct the damage. Over the next several decades the pounding waves cleaned the beach, by breaking down everything but glass and pottery and tumbling those into the small, smooth, colored pieces that cover Glass Beach.

There are three Glass Beach sites in Fort Bragg where trash was dumped into ocean between 1906 and 1967. Glass Beach Site Two and Three (1943-1949) are located at the end of the path that begins on the corner of Elm Street and Glass Beach Drive. These sites are accessible by foot and by a short climb down the cliffs surrounding the beach. Site One (1906-1943) is located south of Sites Two and Three and can only be accessed by water because there is no trespassing on the cliffs above the cove.That show us people do not deserve something and their government forbid them to rearch there cause they damaged the enviroment, but enviroment offer them beauty 🙂

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